Howdy folks! Before y’all jump into all the other pages on this website (by clicking the buttons at the top of the page) let me mention a few things about myself.
I am married to a beautiful woman and I have a son and two daughters.
I have lived in Arizona for almost 70 years. My youth was spent in the land of the Chiricahua Apache. Those mountains, known as the Chiricahuas (Cherrycows) was home to Geronimo and many other famous Apache warriors.
And now I hang my hat on my ranchito in the foothills of the Dragoon Mountains of southern Arizona. These mountains are where the most famous Apache Chief, Cochise, had his stronghold.
I often explain to people that flute making is not my profession.
It is my hobby, my passion, my therapy, my pride and much, much more. Make just one flute and you will then know exactly what I mean. I invite you to come join me on this wonderful journey.
eBooks on ‘How to Make‘ the American Native Style Flute
I have taught over 2000 people how to make the Native American Style Flute.
Let me teach you.
It will be emailed to you within 24 hours.
(And I am guessing that some of you won’t even bother to print out the eBook. Instead y’all will probably just carry your cell phone or tablet into your shop with you. ~grin)
Four eBook Choices For You Below!

“kieta Native American Style Flute Making Manual”
For almost two decades, this has been the ‘#1 Best Selling Resource Globally’ for learning how to make the Native Flute. It is meant for folks who already have some Woodworking Experience and are planning on using Shop Power Tools like Routers, Table etc.

“Minimum-tools Native American Style Flute Making Manual”
If you have never made a Native Flute, and don’t want to spend a lot of money on power tools, and don’t really have the space to work on Native Flutes…. then this is the eBook for you! The wooden Native Flutes that you will be making using this eBook are just like the ones that are made with my #1 Best Seller (“kieta Native American Style Flute Making Manual”). Except the only power tool that you will need is a Dremel Tool and a few other hand tools.

“Yucca-stalk Native American Style Flute Making Manual”
By using this eBook, you will learn how to make a Native Flute from the desert cactus called a Yucca (or Sotol). The bare minimum amount of tools are needed. The only tools that are needed is an inexpensive Dremel Tool and a few other small hand tools. It will require that you have access to ‘stalks’. (If you have difficulty in finding appropriate ‘stalks’, I have some that I can sell.)

“Shop Booklet“
This is not a ‘how-to-make-a-flute’ book. Instead, in this eBook the Flute Maker will find ‘techniques beyond routine’ and it is intended for those folks who are already making Native Flutes (of any kind). Many, many Native Flute Makers have commented on improvements to their Native Flute Making skills and techniques after using this eBook.
Videos on “How to Play‘ the American Native Style Flute
‘Play The Native American Flute in 6 Weeks”
Let me show you how to play your Native Flute.
If you have enjoyed the ‘completeness’ and the ‘simplicity’ of any of my CherryCows Native American Style Flute Making eBooks, then you will love this Video Series!
No music theory will be used…. no prior music skills with be required…. heck, you won’t even have to know the proper way to hold a Native Flute!
I’ll teach you.