"Minimum-tools Native American Style Flute Making Manual"

If you have never made a Native Flute, and don't want to spend a lot of money on power tools, and don't really have the space to work on Native Flutes.... then this is the eBook for you!!

Being an author of books on Native Flutes, over the years I have had the opportunity to hear from people about their reluctance to go forward with making Native Flutes.

The same 4 reasons are cited over-and-over again.

It seems that most people who are making Native Flutes:
1. use expensive power shop equipment
2. have gained expertise in wood working
3. are capable of safely operating dangerous power tools such as the router, the lathe, and the table saw
4. have a shop to store all of these power tools and space to use them

And that is exactly why I wrote this book!

I listened to the people who wanted to make Native Flutes, but could not over-come those obstacles.

In this new eBook, the ‘Minimum-Tools Native American Style Flute-Making Manual’, I have re-designed my entire approach to making Native Flutes to accommodate those people.

And using the methods contained in this eBook, finally folks who want to make top quality Native Flutes that not only look good, but that also sound great can now make those Native Flutes without having to deal with any of those 4 obstacles listed above!

There are 165 pages of instruction.

With almost 300 color photos of clear and complete instructions for every step of the process.

These step-by-step techniques for making your Native Flute are laid out in very easy to understand instructions.

Heck, I even show you how to buy your boards at the store!!

And there is instruction on how to make your own shop vacuum system using a small shop vac.

And I show you not only how to build your Native Flute from start to finish, I also show you how to make the tools you will use to accomplish that.

Also, I give you different options on how to do different tasks.  For instance if you want to build your Native Flute completely the ‘olden way’ by hand and without using ANY electricity at all, instead of using the Dremel power tool like this….

you can instead use a hand gouge like this….

And if you don’t want to use  or don’t have access to a power Hand Drill like this….

You can instead use a non-electric Hand Drill like this….

Or even just a cheap simple Hobby Shop Hand Drill like this one….

This ‘Minimum-tools Native American Style Flue Making Manual’, is going to indeed become the most used eBook for the making of the Native Flute.  It is going to revolutionize Native Flute making forever, because it is going to afford thousands of people the chance  to now be able to make their very own Native Flute!!

  • people who cannot afford expensive woodworking Power Equipment
  • people who do not have room for work shops, for instance RVers or even people in appartments
  • people who are either afraid of working with dangerous Power Tools or don’t have the strength to handle them
  • and I am really excited to start seeing women start making their own Native Flutes!

This ‘Minimum-tools Native American Style Flue Making Manual’ eBook contains 3 times the number of pages that my #1 Selling ‘kieta Manual’ has and also has 5 times as many photos.  The ‘Minimum-tools Native American Style Flue Making Manual’ is truly the best resource around for the making of the Native Flute.

This ‘Minimum-tools Native American Style Flue Making Manual’ is priced at $47.  For this amount of instructional content…. that is a Bargain folks!

Click on the Paypal Button below to order yours now!