"Play The Native American Style Flute in 6 Weeks"

So how do you learn to Play the Native American Style Flute in 6 Weeks?
I’ll teach you!!
I guarantee you will be able to play a Native American Style Flute very well when you are done learning the methods and techniques in these 6 videos.
The videos are sent to you via email, so no DVDs to have to mess with.
That way you can watch your videos anytime you want to on any of your computers, cell phones, or tablets.
You can study these training videos even when you are not at home!
Often many beginner players have a burning passion to learn how to play the Native Flute.
And I know how hard it can be to find someone to teach you to play the Native Flute. I know,,,, because that is exactly what happened to me!
I could not find anyone to help me learn, so I learned some Basics and began trying to play. In only a few minutes I knew that I sounded terrible. Some people told me “Hey you sound good.” I gobbled up the compliments, but later on the way home I knew that I really actually sucked in being able to sound good on the Native Flute.
I became very frustrated and almost quit.
And for you folks who are already playing somewhat decent, I know that eventually you will hit a wall, get bored playing the same couple of Melodies over-and-over…. and have a big craving to try to get to the next level of your Native Flute playing.
Yep, that also happen to me.
I saw everyone around me getting better except for me…. and it embarrassed me.
And things did not get any better after that.
When I finally did find someone to teach me, they charge $50 per hour. Well after two sessions of 2 hours each, and $200 later, I was not a whole lot better than when I still had that $200 in my pocket. I certainly was not $200 better!
Though I sounded sort of okay while I was taking the lesson, a few days later I pretty much had forgotten a lot of what I had learned.
It would have been nice to have a video of the instruction that I could have reviewed over and over.
Well this video series that I am making available to you today, is not going to cost you $200…. It is a lot less.
Anyway after those two lessons that I had paid $200 for, I realized I could not afford to keep shelling out money every time I wanted to learn a new technique.
I figured I would start watching YouTube videos of some recording artist and learn from them. What the heck was I thinking! There was no way that someone who only played once or twice a week was going to get noticely better.
Again I was demoralized, and thought about quitting.
Those recording artist have to practice for hours daily, as that is their livelihood.
And I’m sure you will agree, that to get really good at anything, it does take practicing on a regular basis.
Think about this….
In the past, when you have been saying that you are going to practice on your Native Flute, well that was sort of like when you said you were going to exercise and get in shape.
So you start your exercise program by doing some exercises at home in your garage or basement.
You had great intentions in continuing, but somewhere before 6 weeks were up, you got sidetracked and pretty soon you were no longer working out, right?
But if you were to enroll in a formal exercise program at a gym, you find yourself exercising a regular basis.
That is what you needed to keep exercising…. a PUSH!
Well the “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks” training course is just the solution you have been needing to get better on your Native Flute.
With this training course, a new Native Flute playing lesson comes to you every week, so you will have to practice the prior week’s lesson before you get the new lesson.
That will be your push to practice on a regular basis! And you will become a better flute player, trust me on that.
That is what you have needed all along to get better. You have needed someone to give you simple and complete instruction on Native Flute playing techniques.
And you have needed to have your very own training videos so you can easily review them throughout the week on your schedule…. whenever you want to!
And you will have what you always needed, someone pushing for you to practice.
Alright then, so exactly what all is in that weekly video Native Flute training course?
Well in the first week of your Native Flute training you will learn how to hold your native flute the proper way, which most players actually don’t know how to do!
And you will learn how to not blow into your native flute, but rather learn how to breathe a spirit into your Native Flute.
On that video, I will demonstrate several easy Native Flute playing techniques, then on your Native Flute I’ll have you copy what you saw me do.
We will play back and forth several times like that.
The first week of your Native Flute video training will actually consists of three videos, that will that you will be getting with 30 minutes of step-by-step, hands on, easy instruction.
And what is really nice is that you can pause the video and play back any parts that you might need extra practice on.
I really don’t want you to miss out on this great video training of “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks” video series, and I am confident that you will enjoy the training.
So why wait!
Let’s get started now on you becoming the Native Flute player that you have always wanted to be.
And by the way, it is not $200 for two hours of instruction…. It is only $58.
Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about the freebies you will also be getting with your membership in the “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks” video series.
As a free Bonus, I will send you 5 videos about the Apache indians. These are video stories about the famous Apache indians of the Southwest. Stories about Cochise, Geronimo, and other great Apache Warriors. The pictures in these videos of the desert Southwest are breathtaking, and the stories are captivating. All of the photos were taken in the actual deserts and mountains where these Apache roamed. I think you will enjoy them. And since this is a Native Flute that you will be learning how to play, I believe these free videos featuring the historical events of the Apaches should set the stage for getting you in the spirit.
Back to the “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks” video series, here are some techniques that many of the recording artist use in their native flute song. I will be teaching them to you in your “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks”.
multiple finger lift
popping notes
double and triple tonguing
and vibrato
So let me just go ahead and send this video series to you right now…
They will be sent via email… so no DVDs to have to mess with.
And as a way of saying thank you for supporting my work, I’m going to include another FREE set of videos where you will learn some basic Indian Sign Language techniques. These are fun videos!
Bonus #2 = 5 Indian Sign Language training videos. Yep, you will be learning how to speak with your hands like the Indians!
Alright, so this is what you will be getting in this total Video Series package:
You will receive the entire “Play the Native Flute in 6 Weeks”. That is 6 Native Flute playing modules on Video. (plus couple of extra videos thrown in.)
And you will receive Bonus #1 which is 5 video stories about the Apache Indians of the Southwest.
And also you will receive Bonus #2 which is 5 Indian Sign Language training videos.
All of the videos are sent to you electronically through your email, so there are no handling or shipping charges!!
And a 90 day guarantee. If you are not satisfied, let me know and I’ll refund 100% of your money.
So there it is folks, do it…. Get started now!
Get your 19 videos not for $200, but instead for only for $58!!
Click on the Paypal Button below to get started.